

Ukulele Hall of Fame Museum banner
Here you will find information about ukulele players and makers, ukulele music, and ukulele history.
We have a large compilation of historical information that we are committed to making available to the public, and we are progressing in making this information available online over time. Please check back often for updates to the website.

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Ukulele Hall of Fame Museum Info:

The Ukulele Hall of Fame Museum was founded in 1996. The Museum is a non-profit organization with federal 501 (c) non-profit status. Our Mission is to document, preserve and promote the history of the ukulele, its players, and makers, as well as to inspire and engage people everywhere in the perpetuation of the ukulele and ukulele music through performances and exhibits. The Museum is in search of an appropriate public site to house the collection of books, tapes, records, CDs, photographs, and uke ephemera. We welcome your input and acknowledge your support through member dues.

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